Mir – X Menstrual Remedy is an effective medicine for the treatment of Menstrual Cycle. The menstrual cycle indicates to the changes and preparations that a woman’s body goes through to prepare for pregnancy. A regular menstrual cycle is a vital element of successful conception. Woman’s menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones and there are three different phases in this cycle. The menstrual cycle is part of body’s way of preparing for a possible pregnancy. Menstruation is the technical term for period. Females who have gone through puberty, experience menstrual bleeding about once a month. This takes place since the lining of the uterus is ready for the coming pregnancy by becoming thicker and richer in blood vessels. This thickened lining is shed and there is bleeding if there is no pregnancy. There is bleeding for 3 – 8 days.

In most women, the pattern of menstruation is regular and predictable. The duration of time from the first day of one period to the first day of the next period is approximately 21 – 35 days. The menstrual cycle is governed by a complex group of hormones, made by two structures in the brain namely the pituitary gland and the hypothalamic along with the ovaries.
There are many phases in the menstrual cycle. The accurate time of the phases of the cycle is a little bit different for every women and it changes with the passage of time.
The symptoms of menstruation consists of bloating, cramping, headaches, nausea -  a painful experience women go through during their monthly cycle. During this period, women tend to crave salt, desserts, caffeine or liquor. There  are so many different alternatives to avoid menstrual cramps and satisfy ones cravings.
Menstruation is a halcyon experience in a woman’s life, and it comes habitually every 28 days, for a period of 3 -4 days without coagulating and the blood loss should equivalent to about a quarter of a cup. Hence, for a woman, menstrual cycle is a noble sign of her overall well being. Some women have very negligible problems due to menstrual cycles, while others suffer for a whole month.
Before a menstrual period, the women become restless, fearful and depressed.
HOW TO FEEL BETTER DURING PERIOD ? – The following tips will make one better during ones period. 1. Lighter activities with exercise 2. Drink water to stay hydrated 3. Avoid caffeine 4. Take notes etc to name a few.
Menstrual bleeding : It is a term associated with non – pregnant women where there is menstrual bleeding roughly every 28 days. There are following traits of menstrual bleeding :  1. A REGULAR TIMING : The length of time between periods varies among women, most women experience periods around the same time each month.
2. A PREDICTABLE BLEEDING SYSTEM : Every woman’s bleeding follows its own cycle.
Menstrual bleeding is often accompanied by other symptoms : Breast tenderness and headaches are some of the symptoms which are caused due to hormonal change. It takes place in the  week or so before a period.
Menstrual blood is usually red.
Menstruation differs from person to person. There is a very minute difference between normal and excessive blood loss.

MEDICAL TERM : In clinical research studies, the sign of heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) can be defined as blood loss greater than 80 ML per cycle. Without menstrual cup, it is hard to measure the blood loss.
According to Mir –X Menstrual Remedy, there are following benefits of getting one’s period : 1. Menstrual cycles are good for one’s physical, mental and emotional health. The period can slow the aging process.
According to Dr. Thomas Perls, a leading U.S. longevity expert, women age more slowly than men as there is iron loss due to menstruation. Getting periods provides extra benefits to menstruation.
2. Menstruation can produce hints that avoid diseases : Menstrual blood can give us early signs of developing illness and is responsible for prevention of diseases, hence, getting one’s period is a definite benefit.

3. Getting ones period can offer more satisfaction in the sex life : Testosterone increases during menstruation, as a result, it enhances libido, which makes sex better for some women.
4. Regular periods provide information about one’s hormones : Regular periods are the best indicators of hormonal balance, as long as one is not pregnant, nursing or in menopause. A regular menstrual cycle means that the body is working the way mother nature wanted.
5. Menstrual period improves one’s mood and appearance.
6. Getting the period reduces bloating.
7. Menstruation acts as a natural cleanser : It is a natural cleansing process, which releases bacteria from inside the reproduction system and helps the body in discharging excess iron, which lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. Hence, it cleanses one’s body.
8. Getting one’s period can release frustration and anger.
Hence, according to Mir – X Menstrual Remedy, menstrual cycle also affects one’s libido and mood. And the more we know about the period, the better we are.


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