There is a famous saying in the
criminal law jurisprudence, which says that let hundreds go unpunished but
never punish an innocent person. The literal meaning of indemnity is –
insurance against legal responsibility for our actions. Hence, it is a compensation
for damage or loss. Thus, Miric Biotech Limited (MBL) is providing the medical
security to all the fraternity of this field since last 10 years. To make
mistakes is a common human tendency. Here, doctors are not an exception. A
minute negligence on their part can threaten the life of their patients. As a
result, the reputation and career of that particular doctor is at stake.
Besides, the family of affected individual can also demand for financial
compensation which has to be paid by the doctor from his or her own pocket.
Medical Insurance covers both doctor
and patients if there goes something wrong during medical treatment. To handle
the above situation, MBL has the team of 50 legal experts and 75 medical
experts across the country. General awareness is mandatory so that more and more people could come under this
policy. For example, in Australia, the medical indemnity insurance is must for
all its citizens. Presently, a large number of Indian people do not have health
insurance, as a result the cost of treatment is paid by them out of pocket.
Indian constitution provides free
medical facilities to all its citizens, but in practice, the healthcare system
is dominated by the private sector. People of India must understand the
importance of this insurance so that
more people could be benefitted financially. While there are a lot of
provisions about the rights of patients but not much has been said about
doctors’ security. While indemnity cover can not give us physical security, but
it can protect us financially, legally and socially.
Medical indemnity is a complex
process, as it takes a long time in its implementation. It is a time –
consuming process. Hence, it is also called a ‘long – tail’ insurance.
According to a survey, about 400% of cases have been filed against doctors for
their negligence in the Supreme Court, in which, only 10 – 15 % of doctors are
found guilty. Hence, It is also called errors & omissions (E&O)
insurance policy.
The following lines can best describe
the gist of the above topic. It says – if money is lost- nothing is lost, if
health is lost – something is lost, but
if character is lost – everything is lost. So, we must be loyal towards our
profession. Because, it takes twenty years to make the personality but five
minutes to ruin it. Hence, medical indemnity has proved a boon in the field of
medical science. As a result, medical professionals can discharge their duties
without any fear and mental pressure. Medical services are known for their
selfless services to the humanity. We must maintain its dignity and decorum by
observing the medical ethics. Understanding is the shortest distance between
two people. Here, the two people are - the doctors and the patients. Let us
make this bond of love even stronger and amiable. Wish you good health and
longevity. May you live longer.
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